AVOD Sustainability Statement


At Areej Vegetable Oils and Derivatives SAOC, our eco-friendly principles are the foundation of our approach to Facility Sustainability. Our ambition is to reduce our environmental impacts in line with what science says is necessary to keep the planet healthy. Within our direct operations, this means achieving a zero carbon footprint, eliminating the impacts of waste, and ensuring that our water use is at sustainable levels by 2040.

We are Environmental Management System (ISO 14001:2015) certified company with a great pride in the sustainable profitability. We understand the importance of reducing carbon footprint & harmful emissions and already we are continuously improving and succeeding in achieving this goal.

We believe that it is our duty to equitably meet the vital human needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs by preserving and protecting the ecosystem and natural resources


We are Energy Management System (ISO 50001:2018) certified company. In our factory, our sustainability process drives decreased energy consumption by installing new technologies and more efficient equipment while optimizing business and manufacturing processes. AVOD also works with experts in the energy sector to assess facilities and identify potential energy-saving projects. The objective of these efforts is to identify and initiate opportunities to improve energy efficiency, which in turn can directly and indirectly help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We recognize that using less energy is not only better for the environment, it is smart business because it can help mitigate the financial impact of rising energy costs.

Every stage of our operations presents an opportunity to eliminate waste. We have been focused on finding ways to reduce, reuse or recycle to divert solid waste from landfills.


We are active member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and dedicated to conserving biodiversity and ensuring sustainable livelihoods.

Given its efficiency and versatility, global demand for palm oil has more than doubled in the last ten years, and this exceptional growth has brought economic and employment benefits for millions of palm oil producers. However, it has also elevated unprecedented threats to the forests, wildlife and people in areas where the crop is grown, and we share the industry’s collective concern around these social and environmental risks.

To ensure our purchases do not contribute to deforestation, loss of biodiversity or social issues such as forced and child labour and human trafficking, AVOD seeks to procure palm oil products in an ethical, transparent, responsible and sustainable manner. Although we use only a small amount of palm oil globally, we are committed to ensuring that 100 percent of our palm oil is sourced according to responsible and sustainable practices.

We are committed to achieving a traceable and transparent supply chain, and are actively working with our suppliers to achieve traceability on the palm oil we source while ensuring the palm oil used in our products is grown according to the following principles:

  • No deforestation
  • No destruction of primary, high carbon stock or high conservation value forests
  • No fire use in plantation operations
  • No new development on peat lands regardless of depth
  • Best management practices for existing operations on peat
  • Compliance with national and local laws and regulations and international labour and human rights laws
  • Absolutely no forced labour, child labour and/or human trafficking
  • Takes place on legally-held land
  • Respects land tenure rights
  • Meets the AVOD supplier code of conduct